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Upcoming Important Dates


Mission Fest and Traditional Hymn Singing

Sunday 11/10

Followed by a Potluck supporting Lutheran Disaster Relief!

Roofing Project

Church parsonage roof is officially finished. Thanks to everyone for there help. What an awesome group of people! To think that this day and age we can still accomplish something like this. Pretty cool stuff! Tons of work, but in some ways, lots of fun too!

We also would like to thank Andrew Hurst and his crew for their help in completing this project. 

Thanks to Pastor Mindy, Connie Miller, and Sharon Hancock for suppling the food to keep us going. 

Special Thanks to the VonDeylen Family for their support in this project!

St. Peter Lutheran
Church Cemetery

During mowing season, we ask that all decorative items currently on the grass be placed on the footer or on the headstone.  We don't want to break or damage any items you have placed on your loved one's grave.  Thank you for your understanding.  - Pastor Mindy

Church under Renovation

Both bathrooms now have new sinks and toilets and are now painted.  The south entryway has been painted.  The floors have been refinished. And all of the pews have been removed and reinstalled.  Also the carpet and new floors have been finished.




St Peter thanks everyone who helped and made this whole project possible.

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