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Pick up is Monday, July 24th and Monday August 28th from 4:30 to 5:45
We are collecting Hand Lotion for the month of July and Body Wash for August
There are collection boxes in the basement
The item that we will accept for the hygiene pantry are:
Hygiene: Bar soap, Liquid Body Soap, Shampoo, Hair Conditioner, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Dental floss, Q-tips, Shaving Cream, Men’s Razor, Women’s Razor, Vaseline, Chap Stick (3pk), and Hand Lotion
Household Products: Dish Soap, Sink Cleaner, Shower Cleaner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Disinfectant Wipes, Trash Bags (Tall Kitchen, 13 gal), Trash Bags ( Large 30 gal), and Window/Mirror Cleaner
Laundry: Laundry Detergent, Stain Remover, and Dryer Sheets
Feminine Products: Panty Liners, Pads (Heavy, Moderate, Light), and Tampons
First Aid: Band-Aids, Antibiotic Ointment, and Rubbing Alcohol
Paper Products: Toilet Paper, Tissues, Paper Napkins, and Paper Towels
One Time Items: Fingernail Clippers, Toenail Clippers, Comb, Brush, Bath Towel, Wash Cloth, Dish Towel, Dish Cloth, Rags for Cleaning, and Toilet Bowl Brush

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